Wood pellet fuel manufacturers and retailers - New Zealand

The following Association members are wood pellet fuel manufacturers and retailers and are based in New Zealand:

Manufacturer / Pellet Wholesaler

Supplier Manufacturer / Pellet Wholesaler Areas supplied
Azwood Energy

Wood pellet manufacturer
Accredited Wood Fuel Supplier
Bulk pellet supply

Nation wide
Natures Flame

Wood pellet manufacturer
Accredited Wood Fuel Supplier
Bulk pellet supply

Nation wide

Wood pellet manufacturer
Bulk pellet supply



Supplier Retailer Areas supplied
Azwood Energy Pellet retailer Nation wide
Otago Pellet Fires Pellet retailer Otago
Natures Flame

Pellet retailers

Nation wide
Eenergy Pellet retailer Canterbury

Pellet fuel is also available for purchase from DIY retailers and many vehicle fuelling outlets. Check the pellet producers web sites for retail outlets near you.

Suppliers listed are members of the Bioenergy Association and so must comply with the Association's Code of Conduct including being subject to the Association's Professional Conduct and Complaints Scheme.