Member announcements, views and opinions
- NZ Bio Forestry shifts to using forests to build a cleaner, more sustainable future
- Genesis Energy and NZ Bio Forestry to explore potential of bio-fuels
- OneFortyOne’s Kaituna’s woodchip sets sail for Japan
- Oji Investigating Bio-Energy Hub at Kinleith Mill
- New 30MW bubbling fluidised bed biomass boiler for Fonterra Waitoa
- Polytechnik recapitalised and under a new ownership structure
- POLYTECHNIK to work itself out of insolvency
- OneFortyOne to invest $11 million dollars in its Kaituna Sawmill
- Pentarch increases its profile in biofuel testing market in Australia and New Zealand
- Niagara announces expansion of Kennington and Craigpine Winton sites
- Miscanthus - market taking off
- Bright future expected for sustainable wood pellets