Wshop140509: Successful installation and operation of wood fuelled heat plant
Click on links to view and download presentations from the event:
- International examples of installing and operating wood fuelled district heating schemes, presented by Vaughan Furniss, COFELY Australia Pty
- How to establish if there is enough wood resource to meet my heat plant fuel needs?, presented by Peter Hall, Scion
- Experience in sourcing wood fuel in the Otago and Canterbury regions, presented by Grant Smith, Pioneer Energy
- Keeping the customer happy – integrating equipment and fuel supply in Otago, presented by Eduard Ebbinge, Spark Energy
- How to minimise fuel cost – a wood fuel supplier’s perspective, presented by Brad Coleman, Canterbury Wood Fuel Supplies
- Tools to ensure the appropriate quality and availability of wood fuel to manage risks?, presented by John Gifford, Bioenergy Association (BANZ)
- A business case for investment in new wood fuelled heat plant, presented by Mike Suggate, East Harbour Energy
- What we have learnt from a decade of working with heat plant owners, presented by Peter Kernohan, Natures Flame
- The tradeoff between capital and operating expenditure - matching your fuel to the heat plant, presented by Christian, Jirkowsky, Polytechnik Biomass Energy Ltd.
- Case Study 1: Why we are pleased we installed wood fuelled plant, presented by Ian Kempthorne, K & L Nurseries, Christchurch
- What to consider when choosing your heat plant (criteria for selecting a plant), presented by Rob Mallinson, Living Energy
- Case Study 2: Why wood fuel when surrounded by coal, presented by Peter Thompson, Splash Palace, Invercargill City Council
- Scalability and applicability of industrial scale heat plant, presented by Hamish McBeth, RCR Energy
- Who's who of attendees at the event
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