Wshop080312: Biochar and Pyrolysis - Opportunities for the forestry industry in NZ
A Bioenergy Association and Massey University Centre for Energy Research workshop, held at Gateway Hotel, Auckland on 12 March 2008
- Conference Opening, by Mike Suggate, East Harbour Energy
- Welcome and Introduction to FIDA Bioenergy Programme, by Pramesh Maharaj, EECA
- An overview of what has been learnt from recent FIDA funded projects and what needs to be done to unleash the potential of bioenergy from woody residues, by Brian Cox, Bioenergy Association
- The feasibility and economics of installing a Wood Gasifier to Generate Producer Gas In Canterbury, by Scott Caldwell, Centre for Advanced Engineering
- Return on investment from electricity generation options for a sawmill, by Michael Jack, Scion
- Assessing the optimum scale of a wood waste fired steam plant at a dairy factory, by Rob Mallinson, Living Energy
- Evaluation of Energy Centre options for a sawmill, by Scott Caldwell, Centre for Advanced Engineering
- The opportunities for biochar In NZ, by Gerard Horgan, MAF
- The Massey University biochar initiative, by Attilio Pigneri, Massey University Centre for Energy Research
- Overview of pyrolysis technologies for conversion of biomass and char production In NZ, by P Nielsen, Scion
- Pyrolysis technology and biochar solutions from BEST Energies, by Adriana Downie, BEST Energies Australia
- Mobile pyrolysis technology, by Gavin Hedley, Alternative Energy Solutions
- Panel discussion: The value of pyrolysis and biochar to forest owners, facilitated by Bill Dyck, Massey University Biochar Initiative
Click on the following link to view presentations from the workshop.
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