Web230302: Huntly Power Station transition from coal to biomass

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Presented by Scott Westbury (Genesis Energy) on 2 March 2023

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About the webinar

Replacing coal fuel at Huntly Power Station can now be a reality

Genesis Energy have just completed trials to demonstrate the technical viability for using 100% biomass as a renewable fuel option for the existing three Rankine units.

The trial has been done using 1000 tonne of black torrefied wood pellets imported from Canada. Black pellets (often referred to as biocoal) have been chosen because they are essentially a drop-in replacement for coal. The biomass must be ground to a consistency like talcum powder so needs to be hard. The fuel also must be able to be left uncovered in the rain without degrading. Black pellets are both hard and non-hydroscopic so large fuel storage sheds don’t have to be built.

The pellets for the trial are not currently available in New Zealand but hopefully the success of these trials will encourage investment in a New Zealand based black pellet manufacturing facility.

If black pellet fuel is available, the transition to biomass fuel will allow Huntley Power Station to remain in the electricity supply market providing a hydro firming insurance role which will allow greater sourcing of electricity from wind and solar resources.

This webinar outlined the opportunities for investment in processing wood residues from forest harvest and wood processing, into a high value biocoal.  Fonterra has joined with Genesis Energy to investigate production of black pellets from local wood residues. Additionally, there is interest from steel makers who wish to replace their coal use, and other power station operators in Asia who are also seeking sources of biocoal.

About the presenter

Scott Westbury is the General Manager Power Schemes for Genesis Energy.

Genesis Energy is a leading electricity generation, retail, and LPG distribution business. To help Aotearoa transition to a low carbon future powered by renewable energy, Genesis is looking at how energy back-up might be provided by biomass fuel at the Huntly Power Station.

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