Processing options to increase the use of post-harvest residues on the East Coast

Processing options to increase the use of post-harvest residues on the East Coast. Scion contract report for Te Uru Rakau (Ministry of Primary Industries) Peter Hall, David Palmer, Peter Edwards, Simon Wegner and Brenda Baillie

This report covers options to increase the proportion of a tree that is processed into saleable products, with a specific focus on forests on the East Coast (Gisborne / Tairawhiti) region. There are a number of drivers for this study, including issues with debris flows from recently harvested plantation forests triggered by heavy rainfall during storm events. It also aligns with economic development aspirations of the region and some of its infrastructure issues, particularly transport.

This report is divided into sections:

  • An overview of the Gisborne region with a focus on its forestry assets
  • A summary of prior studies on the region and other national level studies that are relevant
  • Analysis of wood and wood residue supply; current and projected
  • Techno-economic analysis of wood processing options
  • An assessment of policy adjustments or other Crown interventions that could incentivise increased processing of post-harvest residues; including the impact of NES, RMA and ETS
  • Indications of public infrastructure enhancements required to support secondary wood processing options on the East Coast including shipping and the rail link to Whirinaki/Napier including commentary and recommendations concerning heavy transport sector and initiatives to reduce emissions in this sector.

The report aims to inform next steps such as development of public policy, investment in tree/wood processing, local authorities on district development opportunities and infrastructure planning, and where further investment into R&D should be prioritised to fill knowledge and technology gaps.

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